2.27: Wireless Cellular Communication Service


Issued: 2/1/09

1. Policy Statements

1.1 The purpose of this policy statement is to establish the policy concerning the use, availability, and acquisition of wireless (cellular) communication services by University employees for business purposes which is in compliance with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines.

1.2 Wireless cellular communication services include cellular instruments, PDA Data Plans, voice plans, SMS text messaging and related features.

1.3 Â鶹AV recognizes that job responsibilities of select positions may be enhanced through the utilization of cellular services.

1.4 An Account Manager may choose to provide a university issued cellular device or authorize a cellular phone allowance for business purposes.

1.5 The Technology Resources and Purchasing Offices will act as the only authorized agents representing Â鶹AV in any negotiations with vendors regarding university issued cellular services.

2. Procedures for Receiving a University-Issued Cellular Device for Business Purposes

2.1 Employees using university issued cellular devices must maintain a detailed record of monthly business and personal calls.

2.2 The cellular device may be used for personal purposes but any additional costs due to personal use plus a pro-rata share of the monthly base charge must be reimbursed to the University. When there is no additional cost for personal calls, the monthly base charge must be pro-rated for personal calls and reimbursed to the University.

2.3 Monthly bills must be reviewed by the Account Manager to ensure compliance with this policy.

3. Procedures for Receiving an Allowance for Use of Personally-Owned Cellular Services for Business Purposes

3.1 An Account Manager is to initiate the processing of an allowance to utilize an employee’s personal cellular instrument and service for business purposes.

3.2 The allowance is processed through the University’s payroll system and included as additional compensation on the employee’s remuneration statement.

A. This allowance is intended to assist with the purchase of the cellular instrument and services plans, and not necessarily cover the total costs.

B. A minimum of three levels of personal cellular services allowances are available based on cellular services plans and equipment.

C. An Account Manager may choose the level which is most appropriate for the employee’s position to receive, based on the anticipated monthly business use of their personal cell phone and the type of cellular instrument utilized, taking into consideration the employee’s position’s duties and responsibilities.

3.3 A Personal Cellular Services Allowance Form (Attachment I) is completed, approved and submitted to the Budget Office and forwarded to the Human Resources (HR) Office to process an allowance.

A. The Account Manager is to indicate which allowance level is being granted to the employee.

B. This allowance will remain in effect until cancelled or changed.

C. Forms must be received on or before the 15th of the month to be paid the 1st of the following month.

D. Allowances will not be prorated. If forms are submitted late, no retro-active payments will be made for prior months.

3.4 A monthly allowance will be disbursed to cover monthly wireless cellular communication services and device depreciation.

3.5 An employee is responsible for the following:

A. To use cellular devices in a safe manner.

B. Pay all amounts due to a cellular services Vendor in accordance with their service plan conditions.

C. Notify their Account Manager of any changes in cell number, address, and cellular services status, in a timely fashion.

D. Notify Human Resources of any cell number or address changes.

3.6 An employee will not continue to receive an allowance if their personal cellular services have been cancelled or suspended.

A. It is the employee’s responsibility to notify their Account Manager in a timely manner if they terminate or cancel their cellular services plan, or are unable to use their personal cellular devices for business purposes, regardless of the reason.

B. It is the Account Manager’s responsibility to notify Human Resources of a change or cancellation of the allowance. Complete a Personal Cellular Services Allowance Form as appropriate.

C. An employee’s failure to notify their Account Manager in a timely fashion may be grounds for disciplinary action consistent with university policy.

D. At least annually, the Account Manager shall verify that an employee receiving an allowance has the required cellular services.

E. As part of the verification process, the Account Manager may periodically require the employee to provide proof of service as well as other supporting documentation.

3.7 If an Account Manager determines an employee’s position no longer requires cellular services, or the employee transfers to a new position that does not require cellular services, the allowance shall be discontinued. It is the responsibility of the Account Manager to prepare and submit the necessary forms to the Human Resource Office to discontinue the allowance.

3.8 Non-exempt employees must be compensated for work outside of normal working hours. Account managers are responsible for ensuring that any non-exempt employees covered by this policy are compensated accordingly.

4. Establishing the Personal Cellular Services Allowance Levels

4.1 Annually, prior to the start of the new Fiscal Year (FY), the Associate Vice President for Technology Resources and the Associate Vice President for Finance shall jointly review the University’s cellular services contracts to establish the amount for each allowance level for the next FY. Based on their review, they shall recommend to the Vice President for Finance and Operations (VPFO) the amount of the allowance for each level.

4.2 Upon the concurrence of the President, this information shall be communicated to the University community and reflected on the Personal Cellular Services Allowance Form (Attachment I).

4.3 Any deviation from the established rates must be approved by the President.

4.4 Any Athletic Department employee who receives wireless cellular service from Verizon Wireless through the Sponsorship program is excluded from this policy.