
Xing Wu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Dr. Wu

Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

*: corresponding author
  • Kabir, M., Toosi, G., Wu, X.*, and Zaloom, V. (2024) “Study of ship entrance delays to deep draft channels”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 312, Part 2, pp. 119104. .
  • Paudel, S., Toosi, G., Wu, X.*, and Zaloom, V. (2024) “Study on utilization of inland deep-draft waterway based on ship trajectories: applied to Sabine-Neches Waterway”, Ocean Engineering, 298, 117038. .
  • Haselbach, L., Adesina, M., Muppavarapu, N., and Wu, X. (2023) “Spatially estimating flooding depths from damage reports”, Natural Hazards, Vol. 117, pp. 1633-1645.
  • Qian, Q., Su, L., Zaloom, V., Jao, M., Wu, X., and Wang, K. (2022) “Field measurements and modelling of vessel-generated waves and caused bank erosion — a case study at the Sabine–Neches waterway, Texas, USA.”, Water, vol. 15(1), 35. doi:10.3390/w15010035.
  • Kabir, M., Kang, M., Wu, X.*, and Hamidi, M. (2022) “Study on U-turn behavior of vessels in narrow waterways based on AIS data”, Ocean Engineering, vol. 246, 110608. .
  • Zohoori, S., Roy, U., Hamidi, M., and Wu, X. (2022) “Quantifying wide-body vessels navigation delay in narrow waterways: a case study at Houston Ship Channel”, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 148(4), 04022010.
  • Kang, M., Zohoori, S., Hamidi, M., and Wu, X. (2022) “Study of narrow waterways congestion based on automatic identification system (AIS) data”, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, vol. 7(6), pp. 578-595. .
  • Wu, X.*, Adhikari, B., Chiu, S., Yang, H., Sajjadi, S., Roy, U. (2021) "Volume-ocupancy-based actuated signal control system: design and implementation to diamond interchanges in Houston", International Journal of Civil Engineering, .
  • Abbasi, E., Li, Y., Wu, X., and Craig, B. (2021) “Using classification and regression trees (CART) to identify factors contributing to vehicle crash severity in a port city. International Journal of Transportation Systems, Vol.6, pp. 29-38
  • Wu, X.*, Roy, U., Hamidi, M., and Craig, B. (2020) “Estimate travel time of ships in narrow channel based on AIS data”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 202, .
  • Li, G., Li, Y., Li, Y., Craig, B. and Wu, X. (2021) “Investigation of contributing factors to traffic crashes severity in Southeast Texas using multiple correspondence analysis”, Journal of Road Safety, vol. 32(4). .
  • Dong, J.*, Wu, X., Liu, C. and Lin, Z. (2020) “The Impact of Reliable Range Estimation on Battery Electric Vehicle Feasibility”, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 14, pp.833-842  .
  • Chen, Z., Hu, Y.*, Li. J., and Wu, X. (2020) "Optimal deployment of electric bicycle sharing stations: model formulation and solution technique", Network and Spatial Economics, Vol. 20, pp.99-136, .
  • Wu, X.*, Yang, H., Mainali, B., Pokharel, P., Chiu, S. (2020) “Development of platoon-based actuated signal control systems to coordinated intersections: application in corridors in Houston”, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 14, pp. 127-137. .
  • Roy, U. and Wu, X.*(2020) “AIS-data based vessel traffic’s characteristics and travel behavior analysis: a case study at Houston Ship Channel”, Journal of Ocean Technology, Vol 14, pp. 58-74. 
  • Kontou, E.*, Liu, C., Xie, F., Wu, X. and Lin, Z (2019) "Understanding the linkage between electric vehicle charging network coverage and charging opportunity using GPS travel data", Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 98, pp. 1-13. 
  • Xie, C.*, Wu, X., and Boyles, S. (2019) “Traffic equilibrium with a continuously distributed bound on travel weights: the rise of range anxiety and mental account”, Annals of Operations Research, .
  • Wu, X.* (2018) “Role of workplace charging opportunities on adoption of plug-in electric vehicles -- analysis based on GPS-based longitudinal travel data”, Energy Policy, Vol. 114, pp. 367-379.
  • Wu, X.*, Rahman, A. and Zaloom, V. (2018) “Study of travel behavior of vessels in inland waterways using AIS data – a case study at hot spots in Sabine-Neches Waterways”. Ocean Engineering, Vol. 147, pp. 399-413.
  • Wu, X.*, Mehta, A., Zaloom, V. and Craig, B. (2016) “Analysis of waterway transportation in Southeast Texas waterways based on AIS data”, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 121, pp. 196-209.
  • Wu, X.* (2015) “Study on mean-standard deviation shortest path problem in stochastic and time-dependent networks: a stochastic dominance-based approach”, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 80, pp. 275-290.
  • Wu, X.*, Aviquzzaman, M. and Lin, Z. (2015) “Analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles’ utility factors using GPS-based longitudinal travel data”, Transportation Research Part C, Vol. 57, pp. 1-12.
  • Wu, X.*, Dong, J. and Lin, Z. (2014) “Cost analysis of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles using GPS-based longitudinal travel data”, Energy Policy, Vol. 68, pp. 206-217.
  • Wu, X.*, Rahman, M. and Zaloom, V. (2014) “Probability analysis of vessel collisions and groundings in Southeast Texas Waterway”, Transportation Research Record, Vol.2426, pp. 44-53.
  • Wu, X.* (2013) “Finding reliable shortest paths in dynamic stochastic networks”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2333, pp. 80-90.
  • Wu, X.* and Nie, Y. (2013) “Solving multi-class percentile user equilibrium traffic assignment problem: a computational study”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2334, pp. 75-83.
  • Zockaie, A.*, Nie, Y. Wu, X. and Mahmassani, H. (2013) “Impacts of correlations on reliable shortest path finding: a simulation-based study”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2334, pp. 1-9.
  • Nie, Y.*, Wu, X., Nelson, P. and Dillenburg, J. (2012) “Providing reliable route guidance: a case study using Chicago data”, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 46, pp. 403-419.
  • Nie, Y., Wu, X. and Homem-de-Melo, T. (2012) “Optimal path problems with second-order stochastic dominance constraints”, Networks and Spatial Economics, Vol. 12, pp. 561-587.
  • Wu, X. and Nie, Y.* (2011) “Modeling heterogeneous risk-taking behavior in route choice: a stochastic dominance approach” Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 45, pp. 896-915.
  • Wu, X. and Nie, Y.* (2011) “Application of discrete Fourier transform in finding reliable shortest paths”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2263, pp. 82-91.
  • Nie, Y.* and Wu, X. (2009) “Reliable a priori shortest path problem with limited spatial and temporal dependencies”, In book: Transportation and Traffic Theory 2009: Golden Jubilee, pp. 169-195.
  • Nie, Y.* and Wu, X. (2009) “Shortest path problem considering on-time arrival probability”, Transportation Research Part B, Vol. 43, pp. 597-613.
  • Wu, X. and Nie, Y.* (2009) “Implementation issues in approximate algorithms for reliable a priori shortest path problem”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2091, pp. 51-60.
  • Wu, X.*, Akinci, B. and Davidson, C. (2007). “Modeling graywater in residences: use of shower effluent in the toilet reservoir”, Journal of Green Buildings, Vol. 2, pp. 111-120, 2007.
  • Zhang, Z.*, Wu, X. and Yang, X. (2006) “BAPAS – a life cycle building environmental performance assessment model”, Building and Environment, Vol. 41, pp. 669-675.
  • Wu, X.*, Zhang, Z. and Chen, Y. (2005) “Study of the environmental impacts based on the ‘green tax’ - applied to several types of building materials”, Building and Environment, Vol. 40, pp. 227-237, 2005.
  • Wu, X. and Zhang, Z.* (2005) “Input-output analysis of Chinese construction sector”, Construction Management and Economics, Vol. 23, pp. 905-912.

Conference Papers

  • Paudel, S., Toosi, G., Wu, X., Zaloom, V. (2024) Resilience of Sabine Neches Waterway:
     flow and safety analysis for deep draft waterways. In the Proceeding of Transportation
     Research Board (TRB) 103rd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11, 2024.
  • Roy, U., Zohoori, S., Wu, X., and Hamidi, M. (2020) “An AIS-data based one-way traffic delay analysis in Houston Ship Channel”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Washington, DC., January 12-16, 2020.
  • Wu, X. Yang, H., Mainali, B., and Pokharel, P. (2019) “Implementation of Platoon-based Actuated Signal Control to Coordinated Intersections: a case study at two arterial corridors in Greater Houston”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC., January 13-17, 2019.
  • Wu, X. (2018) “Analysis of workplace charges on plug-in electric vehicle market acceptance”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11, 2018.
  • Yang, H., Haque, M., and Wu, X. (2018) “Connected vehicle-enabled proactive signal control for congestion mitigation on arterial corridors”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11, 2018.
  • Yang, H., Haque, M., and Wu, X. (2018) “Development and implementation of a platoon-based actuated signal control system”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11, 2018.
  • Xie, C., Wu, X., and Boyles, S. (2018) “Path-constrained traffic assignment: continuously distributed bounds on travel weights”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 7-11, 2018.
  • Qian, Q., Kolkmeier, B., Su, L., Wu, X., Jao, M., Yuan, R., Wang, K. H., Zaloom, V. (2017) “Streambank erosion and protection due to wake wash in the sabine neches waterway”. Submitted to the 18th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 18-23, 2017.
  • Wu, XRahman, A. and Zaloom, V. (2017) “Study of vessel travel behavior at Hot Spots in Sabine-Neches Waterways”. In the Proceeding of Transportation Research Board (TRB) 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, January 8-12, 2017.
  • Hu, Y., Chen, Z. and Wu, X. (2017) “A station allocation model for electric bicycle sharing system”. Transportation Research Record, Proceeding of Transportation Research Annual Meeting, 2017, Washington, DC.
  • Wu, X. and Zhang, H. (2016) Analysis of time-dependent travel time reliability for urban corridors: a case study in Houston. in the Proceeding of the 19th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2016), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 1-4, 2016. (as the corresponding author).
  • Zhao, T., Nie, Y, Wu, X. and Zhang, Y. (2014) Empirical analysis of the dependence structure in traffic data using copula function. In the Proceeding of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), Qingdao, China, October 8-11, 2014.
  • Xie, C., Wu, X. and Boyles, S. (2014) Network equilibrium of electric vehicles with stochastic range anxiety. In the Proceeding of the 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), Qingdao, China, October 8-11, 2014. 
  • Zhao, T., Nie, Y., Wu, X. and Zhang, Y. (2012) Capturing the dependence structure in traffic data using a new copula function. In the Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability (INSTR2012), Hong Kong, China, December, 2012.

Technical Reports

  • Zaloom, V., Qian, Q., Jao, M., Wu, X. and Wang, K. H. (2019) Wake Wash in Sabine-Neches Waterway, Phase II. Tech Report for Sabine-Neches Navigation District.
  • Wu, X., Yang, H., Adhikari, B., Mainali, B. and Pokharel, P. (2019) Final Report: Implementation of Proactive Signal Control System at Multiple Intersections at the Greater Houston Area. Project # 5-6920. Tech Report for Texas Department of Transportation.
  • Zaloom, V., Qian, Q., Jao, M., Wu, X. and Wang, K. H. (2017) Wake Wash in Sabine-Neches Waterway. Tech Report for Sabine-Neches Navigation District.
  • Wu, X., Yang, H. and Haque, M. (2016) Proactive Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination for Congestion Mitigation on Arterial Roads: a Case Study in Houston, Technical Report 0-6920, Texas Department of Transportation.
  • Wu, X. (2012) Explanation of the Seattle Travel Choice Data. Prepared for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
  • Nie, Y., Wu, X., Li, Q., Dillenburg, J. and Nelson, P. (2011) Developing Travel Reliability Inventory for the Chicago Region. Prepared for the Illinois Department of Transportation.
  • Nie, Y., Wu, X., Zissman, J., Lee, C., Haynes, M., Nelson, P. and Dillenburg, J. (2010) Providing Reliable Route Guidance: Phase II, Technical Report #2010-001. Prepared for the Center for the Commercialization of the Innovative Transportation Technology, Northwestern University.
  • Nie, Y., Wu, X., Nelson, P. and Dillenburg, J.. (2009) Providing Reliable Route Guidance using Chicago Data, Technical Report #2009-001. Prepared for the Center for the Commercialization of the Innovative Transportation Technology, Northwestern University.