Jasmin Kurt Harmon, D.E. Dissertation: “Creating An Energy Efficient Building Material Using Improved Dredge Waste With Traditional Methods, Bioenzymes & Biocementation”, 2022
Saeed Rabbanifar, D.E. Dissertation: “Stabilization of Argillaceous Dredged Material for Beneficial Use”, 2018
Ghassan Sudani, D.E. Dissertation: “Stability of shallow foundations adjacent to spaced piles-row”, 2013
Nutan Palla, D.E. Dissertation: “Development of Correlation between TCP Blow-Count and Undrained Shear Strength of High Plasticity Clay”, 2008
Suresh Gudavalli, D.E. Dissertation: “Correlation of Texas Cone Penetrometer N-values with Undrained Shear Strength of Low Plasticity Clay”, 2006
Faisal Ahmed, D.E. Dissertation: “Behavior of Eccentrically Loaded Footings on Slopes”, 2006
Master Students
Nitin Nagrani, M.S. Thesis: “Design of Confined Placement Areas in Sabine-Neches Waterway, Texas, for 50-Year Dredged Material Management Plan”, 2002
“Improvement of Dredged Material using a Novel Bioenzyme and Portland Cement”, accepted for publication and presentation in GeoAsai7 & IGS First Young Engineers Conference, Oct. 31- Nov. 4, 2022, withZachariah Payne
“Stabilization of Silty Clayey Dredged Material”, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, Vol 30, Issue 9, September 2018 withKyle Kibodeaux, Harold E. Crochet, Remington Whitt, Joshua Farrow and Brandon Blaire
“Development of an Optimized Compressed Earth Block for the Southeast Texas Area” poster presentation in the 2017 Undergraduate Research Expo, Â鶹AV (April 2017) _ 1stPlace, withMariam Abedelwahab, Kyle Edwards, Jonita Goodman, Julie Hammond, Molly Ross and Brandon Watkins
“Optimal Proportioning, Tempering, and Testing of Adobe Brick, Compressed Stabilized Earthen Block, and Rammed Earth for Low-Cost, Sustainable Construction: A Literature Review” poster presentation in the Joint Spring 2016 Meeting of the Texas Sections of APS, AAPT, and Zone 13 of SPS (April 2016) withLaDonna M. Waters
"Mechanistic Behavior of Concrete Box Culverts under Strip Footings" Proceedings of the XXI Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Orlando, Florida, pp. 675-681, 2002, withYancy Scott