LPE - Frequently Asked Questions

Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam-FAQs

  • When are the exams given?
    There is a list of scheduled dates available in the TExES Office, Education Building Rm. 201 F or the Â鶹AV website at lamar.edu/texes.
  • Which exam do I register for?
    Visit our Test Eligibility page to find your test.
  • Where do I register for the exam?
  • Are tests required to enroll in Clinical Teaching/Residency?

    Effective Fall 2024:

    • Students must take the required content area and EC-12 PPR Â鶹AV Proficieny Exam.
    • Students must pass the required content area and EC-12 PPR TExES state exam.

    Residency students (one year):

    • Students must take the required content area Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam and pass the required content area TExES state exam.
    • During the first semester, students must take the EC-12 PPR Â鶹AV Proficiency Test and pass the required EC-12 PPR TExES state exam.

    If students DO NOT pass the required Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam(s) AND the required TExES State Exam(s) prior to enrolling in clinical teaching or residency, students must contact Curriculum & Instruction Department Chair, Dr. Elizabeth Casey (jcasey4@lamar.edu) for additional information.

  • Is there a fee for the exam?
    Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam Fee is $10.00 per test.
  • Do I have to arrive for testing at a specific time?
    • YES, arrive 15 minutes early.
    • Check-in begins at the published start time for the test. Once all students are checked in and the test begins the door will be closed and you will not be able to enter.
    • No late arrivals allowed during testing.
    • If you arrive late you will need to reschedule your test and pay another test fee.
  • What happens if I can’t come to the testing session I signed up for?
    CANCELLATION POLICY: Students registered for a Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam who are unable to attend at that time must cancel with a 24-hour notice. Students who do not attend the testing for which they are registered will lose the $10.00 LAMAR PROFICIENCY EXAM fee and must also pay $10.00 for the next test. If the student provides a documented family or personal emergency their $10.00 fee will carry to the next test registered. Emergencies include but are not limited to hospitalization, illness, death in the family, verifiable official university business or jury duty summons.
  • How many times can I take the Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam?
    You may take the exam continuously up until registration ends for the semester.
  • What is the passing score?
    • The passing score for each exam is 250 (no exceptions).

    • Test vouchers are available to pay for students TExES state exams scoring a 250 or above on the first attempt on the Â鶹AV Proficiency Exam. (Effective Summer 2023)

    • Test vouchers can be picked up in Education office 201B. (Please note voucher information is subject to change at any given time)

  • When are my exam scores available?
    • Exam scores will be available the next business day at 10:00 a.m. in Education 201 F.

    • Students must bring a photo I.D. to pick up test scores.

    • Test scores will not be given over the phone or by email.

  • If I fail the exam, what is my next step?
    • The Study Plan Review will provide individualized assignments based upon each student performance on the LU proficiency test. Each assignment is designed to target the competencies and domains that need additional focus, ensuring a greater understanding of the material being tested.
    • A Study Plan Review will be implemented after several failed attempts of the LU proficiency exams.
    • If you are unsuccessful on the 1st attempt on the exam, you are required to contact the faculty of which the exam is associated for the course and schedule a remediation review, bring your score report and pick-up a Faculty and Student Study Review Form from the TExES office to bring to the faculty.
    • A study review form will be given to students to submit to faculty. Once the review is completed faculty will email the signed Faculty and Student Study Review Form to the TExES office at texes@lamar.edu.
    • If you are unsuccessful on the 2nd attempt on the exam, we highly suggest to visit the weblinks below for additional study materials.
  • What should I bring with me to the exam session?
    You will need to bring a photo ID. You will not be able to enter without a photo ID to test.
  • Can I start the ecam immediately?
    • No, you will be instructed by the proctor when to begin the test.
    • Failure to follow instructions will result in the proctor asking you to leave before testing begins.
    • Your test will be administered as a paper and pencil exam after check-in.
    • Do not remove any testing material from the testing lab.
  • What if I get the wrong exam?
    • It is your responsibility that you submit the correct test name and number when registering for the exam. Once you submit the testing information, you will need to give the TExES office a 48-hour notice to change the information if needed. We are not able to change your test information on the day of testing
  • Can I use scratch paper?
    • Scratch paper will be available for your use. Put your name and Â鶹AV ID # at the top of paper and turn it in to the proctor when your test is completed.
  • How long do I have to take the exam?
    • You will have five hours to complete the exam.
    • The test is multiple-choice, along with technology enhanced questions.
    • You may answer the questions in any order and spend as much time as needed on each question until the exam session ends.
  • Can I use a calculator?
    • Scientific calculators may be used for the following test fields: (Calculators are provided by the TExES office)

                    .. 4-8 math

                    .. 4-8 math/science

                    .. 4-8 Core

                    .. 7-12 Science

                    .. EC-12 Special Education

    • Graphing Calculators may be used for: (Calculators not provided)

                    .. 7-12 Math

    All calculator cases must be removed and stored before the test begins.

  • Can I bring my personal items?
    • You will place your personal belongings in a space provided in the front of the testing center, including all phones, electronic watches, and other electronic smart devices.

    • All electronic and smart devices must be turned OFF and REMOVED before testing begins.

    • The testing office will provide all testing materials, scratch paper, pencils, scantrons and calculators.

    • ONLY the items that are mentioned will be allowed on your desk.

    • Anything on the desk besides what is mentioned above without permission will automatically disqualify your test and require further action.

  • Can I bring my drink or snack in the computer lab?
    • NO FOOD or DRINKS are allowed in the testing lab.
    • You may place your FOOD or DRINKS on the cabinet outside of the lab or discard in trash.
  • Can I take a break?
    • One personal break will be permitted at your discretion. (5 minutes) Time is not stopped and will continue running during breaks. Please leave and return as quietly as possible.
  • Here are some links to help with additional Test Preparation:

    Once the test begins, no one may talk or whisper. If it is necessary to communicate with a proctor, you must communicate with the proctor by raising your hand. Please be courteous to other students taking the test. As you leave the room or return from breaks, move as quietly as possible.

    Please Note: FAQ are subject to change at any given time.