Student Affairs 2011-2012
9. Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs provides services and programs to enhance the educational opportunities of students and enrich student life on campus.
The Division includes the Setzer Student Center, Student Health Center, Residence Life, University Food Service, Student Publications, the Career Center, Recreational Sports, University Bookstore, the Montagne Center and the Student Government Association. The Vice President for Student Affairs, the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and the Director of Student Development and Leadership are located in the Office of Student Affairs, 115C Wimberly Building. The office of the Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs is located in Setzer 212-B.
Student Affairs provides leadership in the formulation and administration of policies and procedures related to student life and to the rights and responsibilities that accompany student citizenship in the University community. The Student Conduct Code as well as other important information pertaining to student life is included in the Student Handbook. Significant sections in the handbook and other university publications clearly describe Â鶹AV’s policies regarding such subjects as absence, AIDS, non-discrimination, drug-free schools, the Buckley Amendment, residency, hazing, sexual harassment, student’s right-to-know and campus security. It is the student’s responsibility to know established University policies and procedures that are contained in the Student Handbook and to comply with them. View the online.
1. Living at Â鶹AV
1. Housing
The Department of Residence Life is committed to providing a living environment that is supportive to the academic mission of the University. We accomplish this by stimulating the learning process, integrating the in-class and out-of-class experiences through activities and knowledge essential to students' preparation for a life of leadership, intellectual engagement, citizenship, and civility.
2. University Residency Policy
All undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or more semester credit hours with fewer than 24 earned semester credit hours are required to reside in a University-operated residence hall.
Exemptions to the University residency policy may be granted for the following reasons:
- Student will reside with a parent or guardian.
- Student is 21 years of age by the first class day of semester.
- Student is married or has dependent children.
- Student has a medical exemption signed by his/her doctor.
Students wishing to be released from the University residency policy must fill out an Off-Campus Residency Request Form with the Department of Residence Life. Documentation verifying exemptions may be required by the housing office. Questions regarding the university residency policy may be directed to the Department of Residence Life at 409.880.8550 or
3. Application for Housing
Students in need of housing, who are admitted, may submit an e-mail to: In the subject line, include all semesters housing is needed and in the body of your message please include the following:
- Your first and last name
- Your LU student number
3. Telephone number (please provide a home and an alternate number) Once students’ admittance is verified and the information is processed, a username and password will be provided in order to complete the next steps in the housing process (please allow 2-3 business days for receipt of information).
Students will be able to sign up for a room on a first come first serve basis. In order to reserve a room following steps must be completed:
- Online registration
- Class registration
- Proof of meningitis vaccination
4. Parking
All faculty, staff, and students are required to purchase a current parking permit and display it if they park a vehicle on campus. A copy of the parking and traffic regulations is issued to everyone who purchases a permit. Strict observance of traffic and parking regulations is necessary for the safe, orderly flow of vehicles in the campus area. Parking and traffic regulations are in effect 24 hours a day.
2. Student Guidance and Health
1. Career and Testing Center
The Career and Testing Center’s professional staff assists students with all facets of career preparation, beginning with university entrance and special placement exams, major course of study selection, career choice and planning, part-time employment, resume preparation, interviewing preparation, goal planning and full-time employment after graduation. Students have access to on-line job searching and computerized guidance assessment programs.
The Student Employment Center, a service located in the Career and Testing Center, assists students in locating off – campus part-time jobs, internships, on-campus work-study and student assistant opportunities. All services are free to the students. Additional information is available at the Career and Testing Center web site, by calling 409.880.8884, or by emailing
Professional development workshops are provided by the Career and Testing Center to assist students with necessary career skills. Topics include but are not limited to; resume writing, interviewing skills, appropriate business dress, and expectations and requirements for specific career paths. In addition, the Passport through Â鶹AV program allows students to track and record attendance to on-campus and off-campus professional development activities. All workshops and programs offered through our office are free to attend and open to all currently enrolled students and alumni of Â鶹AV.
Job fairs are organized annually for the benefit of Â鶹AV students. Several Career Fairs are held each semester. These opportunities allow students to make initial contact with recruiting firms and school districts that may result in interviews on the Â鶹AV campus or at the recruiter’s headquarters during the spring and fall. Each spring, Â鶹AV also participates in the Texas Job Fair. Employers recruiting with the Career and Testing Center generally plan to fill permanent entry-level jobs, summer jobs, co-ops and internships.
Â鶹AV Career and Testing Center is a national testing site for Prometric and Pearson Vue. The center offers a full range of testing services for aptitude and achievement as well as coordinates testing required by the university. Among the tests it administers are ACCUPLACER, SAT, ACT, THEA, CLEP, GMAT, GRE, and TExES.
- SAT—used for undergraduate admission.
- ACT —used for undergraduate admission.
- ACCUPLACER-a college placement exam required of all students for advisement and registration (unless exempted).
- THEA (Texas Higher Education Assessment) —a college placement exam required of all students for advisement and registration (unless exempted).
- CLEP (College Level Examination Program) —used to receive credit by examination. See detailed description of CLEP exams approved for Â鶹AV credit in this catalog.
- GRE General and GRE Subject Exams—used for graduate school admission
- HESI —used for admission to undergraduate nursing programs.
- LSAT —used for law school admission.
- MCAT —used for medical school admission.
- MAT (Miller Analogies Test) —used for admissions to graduate nursing program.
- GMAT —used for business graduate school admission
- Correspondence Exams
The Career and Testing Center offers secure online registration for the following exams: ACCUPLACER, CLEP, Correspondence, DSST, HESI, MAT, Quick THEA, and Residual ACT. There is an additional $3 fee from RegisterBlast, the online payment processing provider. VISA, MasterCard, or electronic checking is accepted at time of exam registration Career and Testing Center. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED FOR CANCELLATIONS. Scheduling errors are the clients' liability. A 24 hour notice must be received to reschedule appointment in order to avoid loss of exam fees.
For more information about the Career and Testing Center, see the web site or call Client Services at 409.880.8878.
2. Health Center
The Student Health Center offers medical and counseling services to currently enrolled students. A physician and/or nurse practitioner is available for general medicine services. Female nurse practitioners provide gynecological services. More serious injuries are referred to local emergency rooms or family physician offices. Students with chronic conditions are encouraged to continue to see their primary care physician for maintenance and medication adjustments. Health Center services are available by appointment only Monday through Friday. Appointments can be scheduled at the Health Center reception window or over the phone at 409.880.8466. A Student Health Center fee charged to the student upon registration each semester insures eligibility for Health Center services during that semester. In addition, a $5.00 office co-pay will be charged for each visit. Any student covered by medical insurance (except Medicaid, Medicare, and CHIPS) may have health center charges filed on their insurance plan. A copy of the insurance card and student ID is required at the time of the first visit. Any charges not paid by the insurance company will be the responsibility of the student. Students who are not covered by insurance will have all charges billed to their student account. These fees should be paid at the cashier’s office. The in-house pharmacy offers limited prescription medications as well as over the counter medicines and supplies. Lab fees, procedures and medication prices are minimal. Any questions regarding fees or insurance claims can be answered by the Medical billing specialist in the Health Center.
Health education programs are offered to organizations, residence halls, campus organizations, or individuals on a variety of health-related issues pertinent to the university population. Anyone interested in hosting a program can contact the Student Health Center to set up times, dates and topics.
The health center is also staffed with licensed professional counselors who offer short-term psychological counseling, individual and group therapy, and mental health workshops. Individual and group therapy sessions may also be filed on the student’s insurance plan. A $5.00 office co-pay is also applied for each session. After hours, on weekends and when the university is not in session, health care becomes the individual student’s responsibility. Any expenses incurred for ambulance service or off-campus medical needs are also the responsibility of the student. Students are encouraged to maintain some form of health insurance to cover these expenses, as they can be quite costly. Detailed information regarding health center services is available at
3. Health Insurance
Health and accident insurance is required of all international students, residence hall occupants, and participants in intramural sports. Any registered student taking six or more credit hours (three hours during the summer sessions) is eligible for enrollment in an affordable insurance plan offered by an independent insurance company, Academic Health Plans at All services provided at the Health Center are covered by Academic Health Plans at 100% except for pap smears which requires a $25.00 co-pay only. This supplemental policy covers a portion of the costs for inpatient and outpatient medical services not available at the health center. Except in emergency situations, students are required to seek treatment at the health center first, where off-campus referrals will be issued if deemed necessary. Students enrolled in the plan may also insure their dependents; however, non-student dependents are not eligible for health center services.
Premiums are due at the time of enrollment and are available per semester or on an annual basis. Detailed information and enrollment forms are available through the Student Health Center, the Office of Student Affairs, Residence Life, and L.I.T. Student Services, or through the .
3. Student Activities and Recreation
The Setzer Student Center (SSC), named for Dr. Richard W. Setzer, university president from 1967 to 1969, is the center of student activities on Â鶹AV’s campus. The Director of the Setzer Student Center, along with the assistant directors for activities and student organizations, develop and implement co-curricular programs that offer students a well-balanced campus life.
Housed in the SSC are various facilities to meet the needs of students. Mirabeau’sand Cardinal Nest provide varied food service. Other SSC services include the University Bookstore, Student Organization Services, Student Government Association, Setzer Student Center Reservations, Â鶹AV Alive! and administrative offices. More information about the Student Center and its services is available at 409.880.8722.
More than 185 student organizations are currently active at Â鶹AV. Students join and participate in many different types of groups: professional/departmental, religious, mutual interest, service, honor, spirit, sports or social. Participation in well-developed co-curricular activities enhances the educational experience. Students are encouraged to join the organization(s) of their choice and participate in developmental, leadership and philanthropic programs. Students may obtain additional information by contacting the Office of Student Organization Services at 409.880.8739.
The Â鶹AV Alive! student programming board is responsible for providing the campus with a diverse schedule of programs and extracurricular activities. The programming board of Â鶹AV Alive! consists of student directors, along with their committees, who develop social, educational and cultural opportunities for Â鶹AV and Â鶹AV Institute of Technology students. Dedicated volunteers and committee members plan for traditional events such as Homecoming, Mardi Gras, AIDS awareness, Diversity Week, lectures, Cardinal Comedy Corner, Poetry Night and other special events. Membership is open to all students who meet the University’s extracurricular activity policy standards as outlined in the Student Handbook. For more information, contact the Assistant Director for Activities, 409.880.8722.
4. Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) represents the voice of students, facilitates new and improved student services and programs, and serves an important role in student judicial proceedings. All regularly enrolled Â鶹AV students are represented by the Student Government Association, which affords each student an opportunity to promote, support and participate in a well-rounded student life program. Students serve on the academic affairs, community outreach, environmental affairs, public relations, student organizations, and/or student services standing committees in addition to serving on other university advisory committees.
The president, vice president, secretary/treasurer and members of the Student Senate are elected each spring in a general student election. Student interests or concerns may be expressed at the open meetings of the Senate or submitted through SGA suggestion boxes at various campus locations. The Student Government Association office is located in Room 211 of the Setzer Student Center, 409.880.8891.
University student publications include the University Press, the campus student newspaper which publishes weekly during the long semesters and on the Web year round. The University Press, with offices in 200 Setzer Student Center, serves as a training opportunity for students interested in journalism. The University Press Web site is available at
6. Honor Societies and Recognition Programs
Alpha Lambda Delta National Honor Society encourages and recognizes outstanding scholastic achievement among students during their first year of college. Other university-wide honor societies include Phi Eta Sigma and Phi Kappa Phi. Blue Key National Honor Fraternity selects members on the basis of outstanding scholarship, leadership and service. Several other honor organizations specific to specific areas of study are also active on campus. The Bess Gentry and C. Robert Kemble Awards recognize the outstanding senior woman and man, respectively, each year. The Otho Plummer Award is given to the highest-ranking man and woman each commencement. The Student Handbook offers additional details.
Â鶹AV competes at the NCAA Division 1 level and is currently a member of the Southland Conference. Â鶹AV offers 16 sports, eight each for men and women. The eight women’s sports are basketball, cross country, volleyball, golf, indoor and outdoor track, soccer and tennis. Men’s sports are baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, indoor and outdoor track, and tennis. Â鶹AV students with valid IDs are admitted free to all University athletic events.
Several campus ministries provide fellowship, worship and recreational activities for Â鶹AV students and have established student centers adjacent to campus. They include the Baptist Student Union, Church of Christ Student Center, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Catholic Student Center and Wesley Foundation (United Methodist). Some ministries sponsor retreats, special programs and community services.
The visual and performing arts thrive on the Â鶹AV campus. The Dishman Art Museum provides one of the finest collegiate exhibition spaces in the state of Texas with two galleries, a preparation area, and a lecture hall with video and projection facilities. The Dishman presents local, regional, and national touring exhibitions. A variety of public programs, including openings, artist lectures, panel discussions, and student and faculty shows are scheduled throughout the year. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Admission is free.
Â鶹AV Theatre performs five productions each year, including comedy, drama and musicals as well as children’s theatre and student-directed “brown bag” productions. Â鶹AV’s 500-seat proscenium theatre and flexible-seating “black box” studio theatre host productions.
The Wind Ensemble and Concert Bands, Jazz Bands, Brass Quintet, Grand Chorus and other musical groups represent Â鶹AV at numerous state and national music educator conventions; moreover, these groups may be heard on a regular basis on and off campus throughout the year. Student, faculty, and guest performers entertain not only the Â鶹AV community but also music lovers in Southeast Texas during the “Â鶹AVissimo!” Concert Series with five concerts held annually in the historic Julie Rogers Theatre in Beaumont. Basketball fans enjoy the Cardinal Pep Band, which performs at all home games.
The Â鶹AV Dance Company presents several concerts each year and joins the musical ensemble for various presentations.
All currently enrolled students who have paid the Recreational Sports fee have access to Â鶹AV Recreational Sports facilities and may participate in the wide variety of activities that are offered, such as intramural sports, group fitness, outdoor activities, aquatics, and informal recreation. Â鶹AV faculty and staff members are eligible to purchase Recreational Sports memberships for themselves and an additional family member. Current Â鶹AV students may also purchase one additional Recreational Sports membership for a family member. Contact the Recreational Sports Department for current prices. All users of Recreational Sports facilities must present current Â鶹AV photo identification for entry.
The recently constructed Sheila Umphrey Recreational Sports Center (SURC) is a state-of-the-art facility offering 130,000 square feet of activity space. Highlights of the SURC include an indoor track, a forty-foot indoor rock climbing wall, a fitness center featuring the Cardio Theater audio/visual system on select cardio machines, a full line of pin-select progressive weight machines, and a full array of free weights. The SURC also houses a café, television and game lounge, three dedicated basketball courts, five racquetball courts, a multipurpose court for badminton, volleyball, and table tennis, an outdoor putting green, and a fully-enclosed indoor soccer/floor hockey rink. Sports and outdoor equipment is available for daily and overnight rental at the Equipment Desk. Additionally, the SURC Pro Shop offers Recreational Sports-branded athletic apparel and sports and fitness equipment and supplies.
Group fitness classes are offered year-round by Recreational Sports, including step aerobics, circuit training, indoor cycling, yoga, and more. Contact the department for a current schedule. Certified fitness trainers are available through Recreational Sports to develop individual fitness programs. The Aquatics Program is located at the Indoor Pool in the Health and Human Performance Complex. Activities include water aerobics, lap swim, free swim, and structured lesson programs. The Intramural Sports program offers opportunities for participation in individual, dual and/or team competitive sports within the University community; campus organizations may place teams in the All-Sports Division, while all others may participate in the Independent Division. There are opportunities to enter in male, female, and/or co-ed divisions. Recreational Sports participants may also compete on club sport teams, competing against club teams from other universities across the state.
Outdoor facilities available for recreational use include the driving range, Ty Terrell Track, and tennis courts. Schedules and hours of operation are posted in the SURC and are also available from the information desk. Further information about the Recreational Sports Department, its facilities, and its services may be obtained at the information desk in the SURC or by calling 409.880.2306.
4. Student Affairs Policies
1. Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities
An extracurricular activity is understood to be any activity representing the student body, any student organization, any department or division organization or any general activity representing the University. The Student Handbook describes eligibility requirements.
2. Conduct and Discipline: Student Code of Conduct
A student is subject to disciplinary action for unacceptable behavior, as detailed in the Student Handbook, published online at
The Vice President for Student Affairs, or his/her designated representative, may classify behavior as unacceptable and may refer the case to the proper judicial body for investigation and decision. The student has the privilege of appealing the decision to the Vice President for Student Affairs or his/her designated representative.
Should a student with disabilities require an accommodation to pursue an appeal process or a code of conduct investigation, the student should contact the Vice President for Student Affairs, or his/her designated representative, for assistance.
The University is not responsible for debts contracted by individual students or student organizations and will not act as a collection agency for organizations, firms or individuals to whom students may owe bills. Students and student organizations are expected to honor contractual obligations promptly, but in case of flagrant disregard of such obligations, the Vice President for Student Affairs or his designated representative will take appropriate action.
Failure to pay all University fees by the specified date will result in suspension. After the 12th week in the long semester and the fourth week of each summer term, failure to pay all fees by the specified date will result in suspension at the end of the current semester and may include: a) denial of readmission, b) withholding of grades and transcripts, c) withholding of degree.
Hazing is prohibited in state educational institutions by the Texas Education Code. Students of Â鶹AV are forbidden to engage in, encourage, aid or assist any person(s) participating in what is commonly known and recognized as hazing. Any student who does so will be subject to university disciplinary action and may also be dealt with by civil authority. Refer to the Student Handbook for more specific definitions and information relative to the legal implications of hazing.
A student who provides false information or makes false statements to any Â鶹AV official or office or on an official form submitted to the university is subject to immediate dismissal.
An official summons takes precedence over other Â鶹AV activities of the student and should be answered promptly on the day and hour designated. Failure to heed an official summons may subject the student to serious disciplinary action.
These travel procedures apply to faculty and staff who engage in transporting students off campus a distance of 25 miles or more from campus to an activity or event that is organized, sponsored or funded by the institution, using a vehicle owned or operated by the institution, or travel that is required by an organization registered at the institution. These travel procedures are considered to be minimum standards; departments may mandate additional procedures. These procedures reference Texas Education Code Section 51.949 and Senate Bill No. 263.
It is recommended that a designated staff member(s) and/or faculty accompany each student travel group. In the event an advisor cannot attend the function with the student/student group, the organization member/members should be advised on what should be the expected behavior from each student. All University rules and regulations must be followed.
Groups of 24 or more may be required to obtain commercial/chartered transportation. This will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and the final approval for such an event will be decided by the Vice President for Finance and Operations or his/her designee after consultation with the student organization advisor. Chartered transportation must comply with all state and federal laws. Groups of fewer than 24 may travel by University-owned, leased, rented, or privately owned motor vehicles.
For student/student organization travel, only employees of Â鶹AV are allowed to drive university-owned motor vehicles. Â鶹AV students are not covered under the university insurance policy unless they are employed by the university. Any employee who is to drive a university vehicle must first provide the Vice President for Finance and Operations and/or his/her designee with a copy of his/her driver’s license and sign an “Application for Copy of Driver Record” form. A license check will be run that will reflect the status of the employee’s driver’s license and list any accidents and moving violations in the past three (3) years. Permission for an employee to drive a university-owned motor vehicle will depend on the results of their driving record. A copy of the employee’s driver’s license and the “Application for Copy of Driver Record” must be submitted to the Vice President for Finance and Operations office at least two (2) weeks prior to the date the employee is expected to drive the University-owned motor vehicle. A student/student organization that rents, leases or uses a privately-owned motor vehicle for university-sponsored travel must obtain liability insurance.
Because personal automobile insurance will be considered first in the event of an accident, all persons who use their personal vehicles while conducting University business should be aware of the possibility of personal liability related to such use. No individual shall be required to use his/her personal vehicle to drive to official university-sponsored activities. No student shall be required to use his/her personal vehicle to perform university-related activities. Use of personal vehicles by students to drive to official university-sponsored activities is discouraged.
All state and federal laws will be followed when operating a vehicle for student/student organization official travel. Drivers will comply with all applicable traffic laws and regulations. All occupants must use seat belts and other safety devices when the vehicle is in motion. Manufacturer-suggested vehicle capacities will be followed when vehicles are used by students/student organizations.
The following activities are PROHIBITED for drivers while driving:
- Driving while under the influence of impairing drugs or alcohol
- Use of radar/laser detection devices
- Use of headphones or earphones
- Use of cell phone
- Eating, smoking or drinking
The fatigue of the vehicle operator should be considered at the time of travel, and only rested drivers should operate a vehicle. Each student who travels by motor vehicle or any other form of transportation to participate in a university-related activity must execute a copy of the Release and Indemnification Agreement.
Each traveling student must have document proof of current medical insurance coverage. Any traveling student less than 18 years of age must have a “Consent for Treatment” form on file. Organizations that travel frequently are encouraged to have “Consent for Treatment” forms on file for all travelers. Departments that encourage or require one or more students to travel to events and activities covered under this policy are responsible for verifying that students are aware of this policy.
Faculty and staff employees who fail to comply with this policy are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable provision of the faculty handbook and the staff personnel manual.
Individual students who violate this policy and the safe travel rules approved by the university are subject to disciplinary action, to include suspension. Student organizations that violate this policy and the safe travel rules are subject to disciplinary action to include suspension and loss of funding.