KVLU Public Radio will be presenting a seven-day fundraising campaign dubbed “Success in Seven” from April 17-24, with a break taking place on April 23. The goal of the campaign is for listeners to donate to the station in order to enhance the offerings provided by KVLU and to exemplify the importance of giving to the station.
Over the course of the seven days, the KVLU team will pitch live on air for five or more minutes at a time to talk about the station, why a listener should give and what the giving supports. Currently, KVLU does what is referred to as a “soft pitch,” which is a thirty-second promo that has been recorded and edited prior to the broadcast.
“When I say we’re pitching live, we go in and we don’t have a script and we’re not reading anything,” said Alicia Hargreaves, membership coordinator of KVLU.
This will be something that KVLU has not attempted to do in many years, even before Hargreaves was a part of the station. In fact, “Success in Seven” is so large of an undertaking that the station is on the lookout for anybody who wants to volunteer during the campaign to assist the staff.
“One of the things we need to make this successful is to have volunteers,” said Hargreaves. “People will be able to sign up as a phone volunteer, so during those hours when we’re live we can focus on the broadcast and won’t have to run out of the studio to pick up the phone.”
The station will be inviting guests from 鶹AV and community organizations to join them on the air with conversation and to promote the importance of giving to KVLU.
To learn more about KVLU Public Radio, their campaign and to sign up as a volunteer, visit lamar.edu/kvlu