ࡱ> LNKb  jbjb{x{x (1n n n 8    ,iRL  L   a        $     n (  w 0  i i   n n American Speech Language Hearing Association Questionnaire for graduating SLPs Please share your permanent email address below: Please share your permanent phone number below: Have you taken the Praxis exam? How many times have you taken the Praxis to date? Have you passed the Praxis exam? If you have not passed the Praxis exam, please explain what you feel could have better prepared you to take the exam. Have you been employed? In what setting have you been employed? What is the name of the facility that you have been employed? What is your starting CFY salary? Do you think your education at 鶹AV has prepared you to enter the workforce (if not, please explain)? Do you think your clinical experiences at 鶹AV and at your internships has prepared you to enter the workforce (if not, please explain)? Please list any suggestions you have that you feel would make the program better. 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