July 31, 2024

Wednesday, 07/31/2024
Via Teams - Email vote
Submitted By:
Shelly Traxler

University Undergraduate Curriculum Council    

Meeting Agenda    

Date:  Monday, July, 2024    

Time:  3:30 p.m.    

Place: via Teams   

Order of curriculum to be reviewed.  voted on items via email. 

Arts and Sciences – All Items on agenda passed 8/5/2024 - all emailed votes on file with Shelly. 

1. BSBA Math

2. Minor – Math

  1. HIST 3301 Delete
  2. HIST 3302 Delete
  3. HIST 3303 Delete
  4. HIST 3321 Delete 
  5. HIST 3333 Add
  6. HIST 4349 Add
  7. HIST 4350 Add
  8. HIST 4355 Add
  9. HIST 4356 Add
  10. HIST 4358 Add
  11. HIST 4366 Delete
  12. HIST 4368 Add
  13. HIST 4370 Add
  14. HIST 4375 Add


  1. MATH 0213 Add 
  2. MATH 1313 Add  


  1. ACCT 4340 Add

College of Engineering 

  1. BS Chemical Engineering Proposed Degree plan - signatures have been received. See PDF document dated July 11th in teams. 
  2. CHEN 1301 Add
  3. CHEN 2300 Add