Presiding: Dr. Cheng-Hsien Lin
In Attendance (In-person)
College of Arts and Sciences:
Jennifer Fowler, Ian Lian, Pat Heintzelman, Jiangjiang (Jane) Liu, Sujing Wang, Melissa Riley, Jim Armacost, Raymong Doe, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Mark Broome, Matt Hoch, and Cengiz Sen
College of Education and Human Development:
Eunjin Kwon
College of Business:
Vivek Natarajan and Gevorg Sargsyan
College of Fine Arts and Communication:
Paul Eric McCluskey, Paul Hemenway, Lilian Felipe, and Brielle Frost
College of Engineering:
Xuejun Fan and Xing Wu
In Attendance (Online)
College of Arts and Sciences:
Raouth Kostandy, Permalreddy Chandrasekaran, Sommer Shackelford, and Wen Liu
College of Education and Human Development:
Shelly Allen, Daryl Borel, Donna Fong, and James Laub
College of Business:
Kim and James Slaydon
College of Fine Arts and Communication:
Alan Brincks, Millicent Musyoka, Chelsea Lyles, and Xenia Fedorchenko
College of Engineering:
John Gossage and XianChang Li
Poornima Gunasekaran
College of Arts and Sciences:
Brian Williams, Andre Favors, and Elia Hatfield
College of Education and Human Development:
Mohamad Hamza and Daniel Chilek
College of Business:
Ashraf El-Houbi and Xiao "Jerry" Zhang
College of Fine Arts and Communication:
College of Engineering:
Maryann Hamidi and Gleb Tcheslavskia
Penny Clark
Call to order
3:32 P.M.
President Taylor's comments
Provost Welch's comments
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve November minutes by Jennifer Fowler. Vivek Natarajan seconded. Motion passes. 2 abstain. 27 approve.
Faculty Senate President's Report
Committee Reports
Budegt and Compensation Committee: Andre Favors
Committee met on November 20, 2024 from 3:30-4:30 pm.
Faculty Affairs: Melissa Riley
Attended meeting of TSUS Council of Faculty Senates. Many of other universities in the system had reps there. Melissa asked if Â鶹AV could change contract period to reflect actual work dates. Answer: YES.
Most members of TSUS are working on strengthening their shared governance. Open forums were being used by some sister institutions. Enrollment reported up at most of the TSUS schools. Several campuses working on faculty handbooks. Discussed faculty office hours and AI policies. Reviewed and approved Ombudsman MAPP.
Ad Hoc Grievance Policy Committee: Melissa Riley
Decided to modify intake procedures and align with other universities. Hope concerns about HR not addressing faculty issues will be addressed when grievance policy completed.
Academic Issues: Sujing Wang
Checked on proposal to reduce class time from 60 to 50 minutes. TSUS says contact hours can be from 50-60 minutes. Committee has not made decision. Faculty compensation for promotion to associate and to full has not changed in years. Researched other universities' policies. Not much info on this online. Â鶹AV's compensation is much less than UT San Antonio.
Research and Creative Activity Committee: Xuejun Fan
FDL 2025-2026 Applications
6 applications from 3 colleges: COAS, COB, and COFA, 2 from History dept FDL MAPP up for public review.
Faculty Evaluation Committee: Daryl Borel
Student Evaluation Questions: Committee members reviewed faculty feedback and prepared a report for Dr. Jator. The report is available in the Faculty Senate office. Dr. Borel presented the report to Dr. Jator and Dr. Kyle Boudreaux. Dr. Jator accepted the committee's recommendations. Dr. Bordeaux will request the CTLE team review the revisions and return the final draft to the committee for review. Additionally, it was agreed that the question set be reviewed annually by Faculty Evaluation Committee.
Faculty Climate Survey 2023 final report: The report will be emailed to all faculty senate members.
F2.08: The F2.08 will be the committee's primary focus during the spring.
Senate Faculty Handbook Committee: Jennifer Fowler
Jennifer created OneDrive document called Handbook Review document which will be sent through senate email to members. The folder includes the draft the current committee is working on. The folder also includes the draft that is now currently the faculty handbook which was drafted in 2019. The Next Generation draft is that we ended up with when Brenda Nichols was at the end of her tenure. Then there is a side-by-side comparison of the handbooks. Created a list of the changes made between the Next Generation draft and our current draft. Updated preamble.
Old Business
Election of Senate Vice President
Nominees: Pat Heintzelman, Lilian Felipe, and Matt Hoch.
Matt withdrew his nomination from election.
27 voted online: 13 for Pat and 14 for Lilian.
9 voted on paper: 7 for Pat and 2 for Lilian.
Total Votes: 20 for Pat and 16 for Lilian
36 voted in total
New Business
Motion to adjourn by Paul Hemenway. Seconded by Sujing Wang.
Meeting adjourned at 5:21 P.M.