October 27, 2020

Tuesday, 10/27/2020
Submitted By:
Sujing Wang

Academic Information Technology Committee Meeting 

DateOctober 27, 2020 

LocationHeld via Teams due to Covid 

Starting TimeMembers began joining meeting at 1:50 PM. 

Attending: Arne AlmquistDann Brown, Derina Holtzhausen, Stefan Andrei, Joseph Kruger, Lawrence Osborne, Sujing Wang, Frank BaduaDale Fontenot, Cindy Cummings, Reza BarzegaranO’Brien Stanley, Michael Saar, Kenrich AungAbdul Wajid ChoudhryEunjin Kwon 

Call to Order:  2:00 PM. 

New Business: 

Committee Members: Each committee member self-introduced stating the college/department and the role in the committee.  

New Chair Election:  Dr. Arne Almquist called for the nomination of the committee chairDr. Derina Holtzhausen nominated Dr. Sujing Wang as the new chair of this committee. Dr. Andrei mentioned that Dr. Wang has experience with computers and programming languages and recommend her for the Chair of the Academic Information Technology Committee. The committee members voted for Dr. Sujing Wang in unanimity. 

Next Committee Meeting: The committee Chair proposed the November committee meeting to be virtual meeting on Teams on the Second Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2020 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.  


Motion to adjourn was made by Dr. Frank Badua. Seconded by Dr. Stefan AndreiAll members said ‘Aye’. Motion passed.  Meeting adjourned at 2:40 PM.