Attendees: James Marquart, Arne Almquist, Katrina Brent, Dan French, Derina Holtzhausen, Lynn Maurer, Brenda Nichols, Joe Nordgren, and Victor Zaloom.
I. Approval of Dean’s Council Minutes dated October 9, 2018
The minutes of the Academic Dean meeting, dated October 9, 2018, were approved as written.
II. GUEST: Deidra Mayer
RE: Self-Reported Test Scores
Ruffalo Noel Levitz was here last month and did some industry benchmarking, looking at admission standards. One concern is our completion ratio; how many applications come in and how quickly we complete them. There was discussion on auto admit for the top 10% students. These students would be automatically admitted and then put on hold until the scores come in. The benefits and risks involved with self-reported test scores were discussed. The official scores would still be required, but it would be post admission.
Deidra presented the Motion: I motion that admissions operations begin accepting self-reported test scores for all undergraduate applicants, effective immediately. Motion accepted by Victor Zaloom, seconded by Lynn Maurer. All in favor, and the motion carried.
III. Brenda Nichols
IV. Request to Turn Off the Tenure Clock
A request presented to the Provost to turn off the tenure clock for a period of two years was discussed with the academic deans. Deans were asked to evaluate the request and approve or decline. The request was approved by unanimous decision.
V. Hiring
Any requests for new hires need to include a plan and rationale for the position attached to the request.
Dr. Marquart, Frank Newton, and Dean Spina attended another conference with BISD officials last week regarding the Charter School. At this time, they are still waiting on BISD consultants to get back with them.
Dr. Marquart
Victor Zaloom
Follow up given on the results of the recent ABET re-accreditation visit for Engineering. It was announced at the exit interview that Â鶹AV had 2 weaknesses (out of possible 40) that will require a 30-day response after the official notification is received at the end of November.
Arne Almquist
Four security training sessions by LU Police were held for Library staff, faculty, and student workers recently. The goal is to have everyone in the Library complete this training.
VIII. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45pm.