ࡱ> +-*a jbjb,, "NN  ,7R &&&;  H-" Q0  TENURE/RANK EVALUATION OF EXTERNAL APPLICANTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT LAMAR UNIVERSITY In reference to the candidacy of _______________________________ who is a finalist for the administrative position of ______________________________, please consider the following and the attached application materials. State law and norms of collegiality require that tenure and promotion recommendations for external candidates for administrative positions be reviewed by a candidates disciplinary colleagues. In most instances, such candidates will hold tenure and rank at another accredited university. Before disciplinary colleagues are asked for a tenure/rank endorsement, a search committee will have reviewed the academic and administrative accomplishments of the candidate and reached the opinion that he or she is sufficiently qualified as both an academician and administrator to be a finalist for an administrative position at 鶹AV. With due respect to the tenure/rank decisions of sister institutions of higher education and 鶹AVs search committee, and in consideration that the candidate will not present a tenure/rank application portfolio similar in form or substance to those required of 鶹AVs own faculty, are departmental faculty (see eligibility below) willing to endorse the candidates tenure and rank? : _____________________________________________________ If yes please sign below: Date: If no please prepare a majority statement (and, if appropriate, a minority statement) explaining the reason(s) for the non-endorsement, so that an explanation may be shared with the candidate. *Eligibility: In fairness to external candidates, only those 鶹AV full-time faculty in the candidates discipline holding tenure and rank at or above the candidates rank are eligible to render an endorsement recommendation. To render an endorsement recommendation, at least three faculty members must review the application. In departments or programs with insufficient numbers of eligible faculty, the review shall move to the college tenure/promotion committee(s) with the disciplinary peers joining the committee membership. Approved: 3-27-01 _7 m  1 5 \ _  hXAB*CJphhXA>*B*phhXAB*phhXA5B*ph_`a>?m n     $dda$ $dd`a$$dda$ dd$dda$/ =!"#$%T@T Normal 1$ *$B*CJOJQJkHmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontZi@Z  Table Normal :V 4 l4a _H(k@(No List 6B@6 Body Text x$/@$ List>"@> Caption xx $CJ6*O"* Index $.O2. Text Body8O1B8 Table Contents6OAR6 Table Heading " z _`a>?mn     0 ʀ0 0 0 0 0 ʀ0 0 ʀ0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ʀ0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ʀ0 0    p : @}}BDD}}S2 p @UnknownGTimes New Roman5Symbol3 ArialBh F FuRuRxx24d7 XA^TENURE/RANK EVALUATION OF EXTERNAL APPLICANTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT LAMAR UNIVERSITYBarbara StrotherBarbara Strother Oh+'00<HX t    '_TENURE/RANK EVALUATION OF EXTERNAL APPLICANTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT LAMAR UNIVERSITYDBarbara Strother<NormalBarbara Strother<2Microsoft Word 11.2@G@pJ@ @ uR ՜.+,0X hp  7'鶹AV7  _TENURE/RANK EVALUATION OF EXTERNAL APPLICANTS FOR ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AT LAMAR UNIVERSITY Title  !#$%&'(),Root Entry F 2.1TableWordDocument"SummaryInformation(DocumentSummaryInformation8"CompObjXObjectPool 2 2 FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8