Strategic Plan

The College of Education and Human Development’s strategic plan process is now complete.

A committee was formed consisting of faculty, staff and students from within the college. The committee met as a collective group five times, and each committee member was assigned to a task force which helped identify opportunities and advance recommendations to the overall committee. The committee was charged with the development of a comprehensive plan, including a new mission statement.

The college has committed to the following values:

  • Multicultural competence
  • Innovation
  • Community and economic development
  • Quality

Successful implementation of this plan requires unity of effort across the college. A leadership group drawn from the strategic planning committee will steward implementation of the plan and ensure that every student, every faculty member, every staff member and our partners in the community understand the benefits of accomplishing the plan and how they can contribute to this success.

Read the Strategic Plan


Johnny O'Connor, Ph.D.
Interim Dean, College of Education and Human Development