B.S. Biology

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Biology
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

MATH 2312, MATH 2376, MATH 2413 or MATH 1314 & 1316

PSYC 2471

Required Courses for Major

BIOL 1406

BIOL 1407

BIOL 2420

BIOL 3450

BIOL 3470

One Invertebrate Biology course (BIOL 3460 or 4410)

One Vertebrate Biology course (BIOL 3428, 4408, 4409, 4431, 4440, or 4445)

One Sub-cellular Biology course (BIOL 4404 or 4470)

Advanced Biology electives (3000-4000 level) 15-16 credits*

BIOL 4344**

CHEM 1411

CHEM 1412

CHEM 3411

CHEM 3412

PHYS 1401

PHYS 1402

Elective Courses

3-5 credits depending on course choice for PEGA and advanced Biology electives; 3 credits must be at the 3000-4000 level


*1 Advanced Biology elective course must be a "scientific research report writing intensive" course (see list approved by the Department of Biology)

**Seniors are required to take the ETS Biology Major Field Exam as part of their course grade in the senior capstone course, Development of Biological Thought (BIOL 4344)

