B.B.A. Accounting

Fall 2014

Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration
Major: Accounting
Concentration: None

General Education Core Curriculum

Communication - 6 Hours:

ENGL 1301 - Composition I

COMM 1321 - Business and Professional Speech

Mathematics - 3 Hours:

MATH 1325- Calculus for Business Applications

Life and Physical Sciences - 6 Hours From:

BIOL 1308 - General Biology (Non-Majors)

BIOL 1315 - Plants and Human Society (Non-Majors)

BIOL 1406 - General Biology I (Majors)

BIOL 1407 - General Biology II (Majors)

BIOL 2306 - Environmental Science

BIOL 2401 - Anatomy and Physiology I

BIOL 2402 - Anatomy and Physiology II

CHEM 1306 - Chemistry for Allied Health Sciences

CHEM 1308 - Biochemistry for Allied Health Sciences

CHEM 1311 - General Chemistry I

CHEM 1312 - General Chemistry II

GEOL 1390 - Introductory Environmental & Physical Geology

GEOL 1403 - Geology I: Physical Geology

GEOL 1404 - Geology II: Historical Geology

PHYS 1305 - Elementary Physics I Lecture

PHYS 1307 - Elementary Physics II Lecture

PHYS 1311 - Introduction to Astronomy Lecture

PHYS 1401 - College Physics I

PHYS 1402 - College Physics II

PHYS 1405 - Elementary Physics I

PHYS 1407 - Elementary Physics II

PHYS 1411 - Introduction to Astronomy

PHYS 2425 - University Physics I

PHYS 2426 - University Physics II

SPSC 1301 - Space Exploration

SPSC 1401 - Space Science

Language, Philosophy and Culture - 3 Hours From:

ENGL 2300 - Close Reading II

ENGL 2322 - British Literature

ENGL 2326 - American Literature

ENGL 2331 - World Literature

ENGL 2371 - Masterworks of Asian Literature

ENGL 2376 - African American Literature

PHIL 2306 - Ethics

Creative Arts - 3 Hours From:

ARTS 1301 - Art Appreciation

ARTS 1303 - Art History I

COMM 1375 - Film Appreciation

DANC 2304 - Dance Appreciation

MUSI 1306 - Music Appreciation

PHIL 1330 - Arts and Ideas

American History - 6 Hours:

HIST 1301 - US History I 1763-1877

HIST 1302 - US History II Since 1877

Government/Political Science - 6 Hours:

POLS 2301 - Introduction to American Government I

POLS 2302 - Introduction to American Government II

Social/Behavioral Sciences - 3 Hours:

BULW 1370 - Business Environment and Public Policy

ECON 2301 - Principles of Economics I Macro

ECON 2302 - Principles of Economics II Micro

Component Area Option - 6 Hours:

ENGL 1302 - Composition II

BUAL 2310 - Business Analysis I

Required Courses for Major

College of Business Core - 48 Hours:

ACCT 2301 - Introduction to Financial Accounting

BUAL 3320 - Business Analysis II

BCOM 3350 - Business Communications

*BULW 1370 - Business Environment and Public Policy

BULW 3310 - Business Law

BULW 4390 -Special Topics in Business Law

*ECON 2301 - Principles of Economics I Macro

*ECON 2302 - Principles of Economics II Micro

FINC 3310 - Principles of Finance

MGMT 3310 - Principles of Organizational Behavior and Management

MGMT 3320 - Production Management

MGMT 4370 - Strategic Analysis

MGMT 4390 - Special Problems in Business

MISY 1373 - Introduction to Business Technologies

MISY 3310 - Principles of MIS

MKTG 3310 - Principles of Marketing

One From:

  • ECON 3340 - Macro Economics
  • ECON 3390 - Managerial Economics

*One of these courses will be used to satisfy the Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement for the General Education Core

Major Specialization - 24 Hours:

ACCT 3310 - Intermediate Accounting I

ACCT 3320 - Intermediate Accounting II

ACCT 3330 - Governemental Accounting

ACCT 3340 - Cost Accounting

ACCT 3370 - Systems and Practice Applications

ACCT 3380 - Taxation Accounting I

ACCT 4300 - Introduction to Auditing

ACCT 4375 - Accounting and Information Technology

Elective Courses

Outside Electives:

6 Hours of electives, 3 of which may be in Business courses.



