BS Computer Information Science

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Computer Information Science
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

ECON 1301

MATH 1342, 2305, and 2413 or BUAL 2318, 3310

Lab science (8 hours) must be a two semester sequence chosen from the following: BIOL 1406-1407, CHEM 1411-1412, GEOL 1403-1404, or PHYS 1401-1402

Required Courses for Major

ACCT 2301

ACCT 2302

COSC 1172 and 1173

COSC 1336 and 1337

COSC 3304

COSC 4172

COSC 4302

COSC 4330

COSC 4360

CPSC 3304 and COSC 2372 or ELEN 3431

CPSC 3320

CPSC 4315

CPSC 4340

CPSC 4370 or COSC 4307

MGMT 3310 and 3320

Elective Courses

3 hours of COSC/CPSC elective from: COSC 3302, 3308, 3316, 3325, 4301, 4307, 4309, 4310, 4316, 4319, CPSC 4320, 4370

6 hours of Academic electives


"C" or better in Computer Science classes

"B" or better in COSC 1336 before taking COSC 1337

"B" or better in COSC 1337 or 3306 before taking COSC 2336

Students are required to take the ETS Computer Science field exam during the semester in which they are graduating.

