BS Communication - Disorders

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Communication Disorders
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Required Courses for Major

Pre-major coursework:

SPHS 1371

SPHS 2372

2 Professional Electives (1000-2000)

Major coursework:

DSDE 1374

DSDE 2375

PSYC 2311

PSYC 2315

SPHS 3310

SPHS 3312

SPHS 3314

SPHS 3316

SPHS 3318

SPHS 3320

SPHS 3422

SPHS 4330

SPHS 4332

SPHS 4334

SPHS 4336

SPHS 4338

SPHS 4340

SPHS 4342

Free Electives

4 Professional Electives


"C" or higher in all major courses.

Professional electives must be approved by an advisor.

