BSW - Social Work

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Social Work
Major: Social Work
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

BIOL 1408, 1409

COMM 1315

PSYC 2301

SOCI 1301

Required Courses for Major

SOWK 2361

SOWK 2371

SOWK 3300

SOWK 3310

SOWK 3320

SOWK 3330

SOWK 3340

SOWK 3350

SOWK 3360

SOWK 4321

SOWK 4324

SOWK 4380

Free Electives

4 seminar electives (SOWK 4320)

9 hours free electives


Departmental requirements - 12 credit hours: SOCI 1306 or higher, CRIJ, ANTH, approved advanced elective

Field practicum prerequisites: see catalog


No minor required but minors are allowed. Consult with advisor

