Location: 147A Brooks-Shivers Hall, Phone: (409) 880-8144

Chair: Robert M. Culbertson, Jr., Interim
Chair E-mail: robert.culbertson@lamar.edu

Degree Coordinators: Robert M. Culbertson, Jr.

The music unit is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. Five undergraduate degrees are offered: 1) Bachelor of Music in Performance, 2) Bachelor of Music in Composition, 3) Bachelor of Music (leading to Teacher Certification), 4) Bachelor of Arts in Music, and 5) Bachelor of Arts in Music (Emphasis in Music Business). The Bachelor of Music (leading to Teacher Certification) offers specialization in either Band, Choir or Orchestra. Two graduate degrees offered are 1) Master of Music in Performance and 2) Master of Music Education.

Degrees Offered

  • Bachelor of Music – 134 hours
  • Bachelor of Music – leading to Teacher Certification (instrumental concentration) – 126 hours
  • Bachelor of Music – leading to Teacher Certification (choral concentration) – 125 hours
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music – 123 hours
  • Bachelor of Arts in Music (emphasis in music business) – 129 hours

Bachelor of Music

Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 134

Bachelor of Music (Teacher Certification, Instrumental Concentration) †

Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 126

Bachelor of Music (Teacher Certification, Choral Concentration)†

Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 125

Bachelor of Arts in Music

Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 123

Bachelor of Arts in Music (Emphasis in Music Business)

Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 129

Requirements for Music Majors

  1. Meet the basic requirements for all degree programs.
  2. Complete one of the programs of study listed below.
  3. Complete seven semesters (six for B.A. in Music) of MUSI 1170 (Recital Attendance) to be approved for graduation.
  4. A music course with a grade of “D” will not apply toward graduation.
  5. All students must continue to take secondary piano for as many consecutive long semesters as are required for the completion of the piano proficiency exam.
  6. Piano majors will take secondary voice or secondary instruments, whichever applies to their intended course of study (vocal or instrumental), for as many consecutive long semesters as are required for the completion of the vocal or instrumental proficiency exam.

Audition Procedure
To be accepted as a music major at Â鶹AV, students, both new and transfer, must pass an audition in their major performance area (applied music). Audition dates may be obtained by contacting the Â鶹AV Department of Music, Theatre and Dance. Special audition dates can be arranged if necessary.

Theory Placement Examination
All music major applicants will be given a Theory Placement Examination to determine their level of theoretical knowledge. The examination will include key signatures, triads, treble and bass clefs, musical terms, and ear training.

Music Minor

Core Curriculum Requirement (3 hours):

  • MUSI 1306: All students seeking a minor in music will be required to take MUSI 1306 (Introduction to Music) as the core curriculum requirement in fine arts.

Music Minor Requirements (22 hours):

Lower Level:

  • MUTY 1311, 1312 – 6 hours
  • MUAP 12XX (two courses) – 4 hours
  • MULB 117X (two courses) – 2 hours
  • MUSI 1170 – NG
  • MUSI 1170 – 1 hour

Upper Level:

  • MUSI 3310, 3370, or 3380 – 3 hours
  • MUSI 3350 or 3360 – 3 hours
  • Upper-level music elective – 3 hours

Applied Music Requirements

Music majors must be enrolled in applied music each long semester until the applied music requirement is met. The required sequence of courses includes a minimum of four semesters of lower-level (1200 series) courses in applied music.

Students in the teacher certification program must complete three additional semesters of upper-level (3200 series) applied music courses. Students in the performance program must complete four semesters of upper-level (3400 series) applied music courses.

Completion of the applied music requirement signifies the attainment of a given level of artistic performance rather than the completion of a specific number of semester hours of credit. A student may, at the discretion of the applied music faculty, be required to repeat any course in the applied music sequence; in such a case, the course may be repeated for credit. The applied music requirement is not satisfied until approval of the faculty is obtained.

Any student registered for an applied music course (except 1101 and 1181) will be required to perform in a major ensemble and pass a jury examination each long semester. With permission from the private instructor, a student may be exempt from jury examination in the semester during which the Senior Recital is to be performed.

Recital Performance Requirements

Bachelor of Music (Teacher Certification): Each Bachelor of Music (leading to Teacher Certification) major will perform a senior recital 30 minutes in length. The recital may be performed jointly with another student and will take place during the senior year. The recital can be scheduled during the regular recital period or as an afternoon recital. The student must be enrolled in applied music during the semester in which the recital is to be performed. Bachelor of Music (in Performance): 1) Upon completion of four semesters of lower-level applied music, the student must pass a performance jury examination to be eligible to advance to upper-level (3400 series) applied music courses; 2) during the second semester of upper-level instruction, the performance major must play a junior audition recital. This recital must be 30 minutes in length and may be given jointly with another student; however, each performer must complete his or her portion of the recital in succession. The recital can be given during the regularly scheduled recital period or as an afternoon recital. A satisfactory Junior Audition Recital is a prerequisite for proceeding to a Senior Performance Recital; 3) during the fourth semester of upper-level study, a Senior Performance Recital will be given. This recital must be 60 minutes in length and may be scheduled during the regular recital time, at the afternoon recital time, or at an approved evening time. Recital requirements for Bachelor of Music in Composition: Junior year: Public presentation of at least one original composition for any medium. Minimum length: 5 minutes. The student is responsible for recruiting and rehearsing the performer(s). Senior year: Presentation of a recital of original compositions. Generally the requirement is for at least four compositions, for differing media, although if one or more compositions are unusually long, exceptions may be made. Minimum length: 25 minutes of music (excluding time between movements, set-up time between pieces, etc.). The student is responsible for recruiting and rehearsing the performers, as well as coordinating the performance. Part of the grade for the recital will be dependent on the success of these efforts. Bachelor of Arts: The Bachelor of Arts major will perform on regular recitals as required by the faculty. The Bachelor of Arts major will not be required to perform a senior recital. General policies for performance major auditions and recitals: 1) A performance major MUST make formal application for admission to upper-level applied music, junior audition recital and senior recital at least two weeks prior to the jury or recital. The application forms are available from the chair of the music department and should be submitted to the applied teacher; 2) to advance to upper-level applied music, the performance major must have two-thirds approval of the sophomore jury panel; 3) junior audition recitals and senior recitals will be graded on a pass/fail basis by a faculty panel of three, chosen by the chair of the music department and the private teacher. Two-thirds approval of the faculty panel is necessary to pass. The student must be enrolled in applied music during the semester in which the recital is to be performed.

Ensemble Participation

Participation in a major ensemble is required of full-time music students each long semester, except when student teaching. Major ensembles are as follows:
1) For vocal and keyboard (vocal emphasis) students: MULB 1170 (A Cappella Choir) or MULB 1172 (Grand Choir) (Placement by Audition)
2) For wind, keyboard (instrumental emphasis) and percussion students: MULB 1175 (Marching Band) and MULB 1177 (Symphonic Band)
3) For string students: MULB 1173 (Orchestra) 

Applied Music Courses (MUAP)

Refer to Applied Music Requirements in preceding Department of Music materials for complete explanation and requirements for Applied Music courses.

  • 0200 Developmental Applied Music
  • 1101 Beginning Band or Orchestral Instruments
  • 1201, 3201, 3401 Violin
  • 1205, 3205 Viola
  • 1209, 3209, 3409 Cello
  • 1213, 3213 Double Bass
  • 1217, 3217, 3417 Flute
  • 1221, 3221, 3421 Oboe
  • 1225, 3225 Bassoon
  • 1229, 3229, 3429 Clarinet
  • 1233, 3233, 3433 Saxophone
  • 1237, 3237 Trumpet
  • 1241, 3241, 3441 French Horn
  • 1245, 3245, 3445 Trombone
  • 1249, 3249 Euphonium
  • 1253, 3253 Tuba
  • 1257, 3257, 3457 Percussion
  • 1254. 3264. 3464 Guitar
  • 1269, 3269, 3469 Piano
  • 1281, 3281, 3481 Voice
  • 1283, 3483 Composition

Graduate Program

Master of Music Performance
A public recital and either a research paper or lecture recital are required. Voice majors must show proficiency (to be determined by the Department of Music) in German, French and Italian diction prior to entering this degree program.

Master of Music Education
Two additional courses in music education may be substituted for the thesis, and six hours of applied music may replace two music education courses.

Other Graduate Degree Requirements
Candidates for master’s degrees in music must meet all general degree requirements of the College of Graduate Studies as listed elsewhere in this catalog.

All degree candidates must take MUED 5320 (Seminar in Special Problems) and pass a final oral examination before a degree can be granted. The director of graduate music studies will serve as the general advisor of all graduate students in music. A committee of three graduate faculty members will also serve in an advisory capacity and administer the final oral examination.