Location: 2014 Cherry Building
Phone: (409) 880-8804
Chair: Victor Zaloom
Chair E-mail: victor.zaloom@lamar.edu, (409) 880-8804, 2014 Cherry Building
Our mission is to provide quality education and meaningful career opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students. We develop highly qualified graduates with potential to assume positions of increasing responsibility.
Our mission will be accomplished by recruiting and educating qualified students in an accredited curriculum of academic course work and experiences. Demand for graduates will be driven by frequent contact with employers through initiatives such as advisory council meetings, continuing education, co-op programs, consultation, research/ development, publications, and student projects.
Our vision is to be the “Preferred Provider of Industrial Engineering Graduates and Technology.” We will accomplish our vision by: (1) recruiting quality students, (2) developing employer-focused relationships (3) increasing supporting resources, and (4) integrating academic course work and industrial engineering experiences.
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering – 125 hours
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology – 120 hours
Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 130
Industrial engineering serves vital functions in today’s world and provides a wide range of career opportunities. It is particularly well positioned to develop individuals who provide solutions for the fields of supply chain management, logistics, operations research, project management, six sigma and "lean" engineering, economic analysis and associated solutions, quality assurance management, plant operation control/design and managerial problem solving that require knowledge of fundamental science and engineering practices including human-system interaction.
Industrial engineering deals not only with technology but also with people. It especially deals with managerial problems requiring knowledge of fundamental science and engineering practice for their solutions. The Department of Industrial Engineering at Â鶹AV is one of the leaders in integrating computer applications including computer integrated manufacturing, simulation, lean manufacturing and micro-meso machining into the curriculum.
Industrial engineers combine advanced study in management systems, economics and decision-making to answer such questions as: “What products or services should we offer? What materials and methods should we use? How can we best motivate and reward people? How can we improve quality, productivity, service, and employee safety?” Typical responsibilities of the industrial engineer involve design, operation and management. While manufacturing industry demands many graduates, increasing numbers are finding satisfying employment in other kinds of businesses, such as airlines, banks, restaurant chains, department stores, hospitals, and governmental agencies.
An advisory committee of successful alumni from industry supports the department’s academic staff. The Â鶹AV Industrial Engineering Department provides a campus home and friendly team atmosphere with a focus on preparation of students for career leadership.
Industrial Engineering undergraduates are also eligible to participate in a five-year academic program that leads to two degrees: a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering and Masters of Business Administration.
Industrial Engineering students will complete all of the normal Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering degree requirements and the Industrial Engineering electives are replaced with M.B.A. leveling courses. For more information about this program, please contact the industrial engineering department.
Special scholarships are available to qualified high school graduates. An expedited M.B.A. admission process is also available to Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering seniors who meet requirements.
Program Educational ObjectivesGraduates of the BSIE program are expected to be able to practice the following three to five years after graduation:
The following outcomes are achieved in one or more courses in the BSIE curriculum. Graduates will have the following:
Suggested Program of Study – Total Min. Hours: 120
The Department of Industrial Engineering offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology (BSIT). Â鶹AV’s Industrial Technology program prepares students for positions in industrial management. The BSIT allows students to transfer up to 40 hours of technical coursework. The BSIT provides students with the credentials for promotion within their technical field or for a career in Industrial Technology.
Students will learn how to streamline processes, improve quality, ensure safety in the workplace, and manage production and inventory systems and technical personnel. Industrial Technology students typically gain employment with companies that manufacture a product. Daily activities might include solving problems in production, improving quality of products and processes and managing technical personnel.
The first two years of this program are composed primarily of technical courses commonly taken at two-year schools such as the Â鶹AV Institute of Technology, Â鶹AV State College at Orange or Â鶹AV State College at Port Arthur. Students are also accepted from other technical two-year programs throughout the state and nation.
Admission to the Industrial Technology program will be granted upon application, after completion of a minimum of 40 semester hours toward the Associate of Applied Science degree or Engineering common program with a grade point average of at least 2.00. Students in a two-year applied science program who intend to continue their education in the Industrial Technology program should make an appointment for advisement very early in their coursework. Early advisement for the BSIT will ensure that courses taken during the applied science program will transfer to the Industrial Technology program. This program is also offered online.
Â鶹AV’s Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology program with a minor in Information Technology (BSIT-IT) prepares students for technical positions that require a working knowledge of computers and process improvement techniques. The BSIT-IT allows 27 hours technical hours to transfer and requires 21 hours in Management Information Systems to secure the minor. Students will learn the content of the BSIT program and will be prepared for similar career opportunities.
Program Educational Objectives
Program Outcomes